
Compound area for Bathurst Bridge work
In response to residents’ concerns, Bristol City Council have moved the location of the compound area chosen for this work.

Going red
On the evening of 6th July, the John Sebastian and the Louisiana pub joined many other music venues in the national #LightItInRed campaign.

Cumberland Road update
Cumberland Road is now closed to eastbound motor traffic but remains open for vehicles travelling west.

Bathurst Bridge maintenance work
Bristol City Council are planning to start maintenance work on Bathurst Bridge on 1st September 2020, work which will mean closure of the old bridge to pedestrian and vehicle traffic.

Louisiana roast lunches
Good news for those who enjoy a good roast. The Louisiana can now provide take-away roast lunches each Sunday between 12.00 and 2.00pm.

Parking on Wapping Road
Bristol City Council Highways Services have confirmed that they will make a Traffic Regulation Order to revise the parking restrictions on Wapping Road, replacing the current single yellow lines with double lines.

Cumberland Road
Cumberland Road is now open to motor traffic in both directions along its full length.

Bristol White Water Boaters Use Overflow
Bristol White Water Boaters use the unusual high water to kayak from the New Cut into Bathurst Basin.

Kennet and Avon Canal Race
The 2021 London-Bristol Kennet and Avon Canal Race started from London at 6am on Friday 23rd July and finished a day later by the John Sebastian.

Shakespeare Undone!
The Natural Theatre Company will be performing Shakespeare Undone! around the Harbour as part of the Bristol Shakespeare Festival.

Museum pop-up bar: April 2021 update
The application by Vanguard Art Bar Ltd for planning permission for a temporary outdoor art installation and bar in Museum Square has been withdrawn.

Ultramarathon event
Merchants’ Landing resident Phil Stannard plans to run the London to Bristol Ultramarathon (145 miles, 5.5 Marathons) in aid of the Woman’s Trust.

Museum Square pop-up bar
Vanguard Art Bar Ltd has applied for planning permission for a temporary outdoor art installation and bar in Museum Square.

Chocolate path
There is good news and bad news reported by the news media about Chocolate Path which runs alongside Cumberland Road.