Writing on behalf of the Commodore and Committee of the Cabot Cruising Club, a number of residents of Bathurst Parade and various boat owners, Jan Walsh has written to City Planners about an implication of the proposed O & M Shed development on Welsh Back. The developers seem to have asked for the removal of a sizeable barge, the Ebenhaezer, currently moored alongside the O & M Shed. It appears that the Council intends to relocate the Ebenhaezer in Bathurst Basin, in front of Byzantine Court, but has not responded to attempts by residents to make its intentions clear.
Jan writes “It is a real concern that the Council is prepared to ride roughshod over the concerns of residents in Bathurst Basin and the Ebenhaezer owner in order to bring the O & M Shed development to fruition. The Council may have satisfactory and compelling reasons for bringing the barge into Bathurst Basin, but if so why the secrecy?”
The Bristol Evening Post reported residents’ concern under the headline ‘Argy bargy. Residents’ anger as giant houseboat set to move in.’ The Post’s Ian Onions reports that ‘The 137ft-long Ebenhaezer is destined to be moved from Welsh Back and moored next to Byzantine Court in Bathurst Basin which is designated for leisure boats only.’
The O & M planning decision has been postponed until the planners have made proper provision for the barge. Jan Walsh writes ‘Despite strong pressure from the Council to approve the planning application, [councillors] decided that the 25 year mooring of the Ebenezer could not simply be sacrificed on the altar of development progress.’